Scientific and technical support for the system design

A set of verification calculations aimed at determining the technical characteristics of the future facility and assessing the possible negative impact of environmental factors on the building structures is performed at the design stage of monitoring Structural Health Monitoring Systems and geotechnical monitoring systems. The presence and degree of geotechnical impact of the building on the surrounding building-up is also determined during calculations. A monitoring system project is being developed based on the obtained data.
Scientific and Technical Centre Integrated Monitoring Systems, LLC provides scientific and technical support services at all stages of design of monitoring systems:
- performing verification calculations;
- examination of the facility design documentation, which includes:
- determining the compliance of the facility characteristics with the current regulatory documents establishing the requirements for its safety;
- comparison of the facility parameters specified in the design documentation with the parameters obtained during verification calculations;
- assessment of the validity of the made constructive decisions.
- geotechnical risk assessment;
- development of monitoring systems based on the data obtained during verification calculations;
- support of the project in the Main state expert review board for the purpose of obtaining a positive opinion.
Scientific and technical support for the system design makes it possible to:
- monitor the compliance with reliability and safety requirements of the facilities of increased criticality rating;
- monitor data on the technical condition and degree of the facility physical depreciation to ensure the safety of people, the facility itself and adjacent buildings as well as structures;
- ensure the reliability of the “base-foundation-structure” system through timely detection of deformations and damages to building structures and their elements;
- keep analytical records of all possible man-made and climatic impacts using measuring instruments.
The Scientific and Technical Centre Integrated Monitoring Systems, LLC participated in the development of design documentation for the buildings and structures of the Copper Plant of Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Company, Public Joint-Stock Company, therefore, having ordered scientific and technical support for the system design from us, you can be sure that all work will be completed at the highest level.
Still have questions?
Shall we discuss the project?
+7 (812) 775-10-82
Mon-Fry 9:00 AM - 06:00 PM MSK
- office 408, 4, lit. K, Fuchika St., St. Petersburg, 192102, Russia
- +7 (812) 775-10-82
- Opening hours: Mon-Fry с 9:00 AM до 06:00 PM MSK