Construction, installation and commissioning works

Design, installation and commissioning of automated systems is a complex technical process that requires the skills of qualified personnel in addition to the involvement of specialized software and hardware systems, three-dimensional modeling and engineering analysis tools.
When carrying out construction, installation and commissioning work, the design features and purpose of the facility (industrial enterprise, mining sector, civil structure, etc.), the presence of existing utility systems, and the current technical and/or operational condition of the building must be considered.
To order project development, installation and commissioning of automated systems, you should definitely contact the Scientific and Technical Centre Integrated Monitoring Systems, LLC.
Important: our staff consists of certified specialists with specialized education, including engineers and designers, analysts and construction technicians. Our specialists design and install automated systems for various purposes.
Scientific and Technical Centre Integrated Monitoring Systems, LLC: organization of construction, installation and commissioning work on a turnkey basis at any facility, regardless of its height, category of complexity, critical importance and hazard level.
The sphere of competence of our specialists includes the design and integration of the following automated systems:
- SHMS (Structural Health Monitoring Systems). SHMS is a software and hardware complex based on an intelligent system. Its main practical purpose is continuous monitoring of the condition of load-bearing units (columns, supports, floor beams, etc.) and other critical structural elements of the facility.
- AGTM (automated geotechnical monitoring systems). The above-mentioned systems are effectively used to control and analyze unfavorable climatic and geological environmental factors that negatively affect the design of the facility. Such natural factors include precipitation after heavy rains, high groundwater levels, soil instability, etc. Such systems make possible potential risks to be detected early and efforts can be made to prevent the problem.
Note: AGTM can be either an independent (separate) monitoring system or used as part of the SHMS.
- ITS (intelligent transportation systems). They contribute to increasing the intensity of road traffic, the construction of integrated main routes and interchanges, and the efficiency of organizing transport communications. ITS includes the following subsystems:
- DWCS (Dimension and Weight Checking Systems). The main practical purpose of such systems is to limit the movement of heavy freight vehicles, which contributes to the destruction of the road surface due to the heavy loads placed on it;
- ATCS (automated traffic control systems). They imply specialized software and hardware for monitoring and managing road traffic, monitoring transport infrastructure, minimizing a large congestion of vehicles in one area (“traffic jams”), as well as preventing road accidents;
- TCS (Toll Collection Systems). Systems for paid passage of vehicles on the road, including means of collecting tolls at the transport communications facilities themselves.
- Transport safety systems. They are aimed at ensuring comprehensive protection of transport infrastructure facilities and the vehicles themselves from illegal actions and acts of vandalism.
- Communication systems, mobile and utility lines.
Our employees have all the required permits for the following list of works:
- installation of communication systems, devices and equipment for fixed installation;
- erection supervision work and designer supervision;
- construction, installation and commissioning work, including implementation and configuration of equipment, detection of inaccuracies and errors that were identified during the installation process, testing the system for its appropriate functioning;
- preventive/maintenance service to monitor the operational condition of devices, collection, analysis and processing of the results obtained.
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+7 (812) 775-10-82 ( Mon-Fry 9:00 AM - 06:00 PM МСК) office@ntc-ksm.ruStill have questions?
Shall we discuss the project?
+7 (812) 775-10-82
Mon-Fry 9:00 AM - 06:00 PM MSK
- office 408, 4, lit. K, Fuchika St., St. Petersburg, 192102, Russia
- +7 (812) 775-10-82
- Opening hours: Mon-Fry с 9:00 AM до 06:00 PM MSK