Structural Health Monitoring System of the Obukhovsky Bridge, Saint-Petersburg

Design and implementation of a system of continuous monitoring the Bolshoy Obukhovsky Bridge across the Neva River in Saint-Petersburg

  • Project description:

    Facilities being monitored are as follows: superstructures, pylons and cable stays of the 1st and 2nd stages of the Bolshoy Obukhovsky Bridge over the Neva River on the ring road around the city of Saint-Petersburg (A-118).

    A monitoring system is understood to be a set of hardware and software designed for:

    • real-time mode assessment of the stress-strain state of the facilities during the operation of the bridge crossing;
    • warning of duty dispatcher services about critical changes in the state of facilities.
  • Project objectives:

    Replacement of equipment and update of the Intelligent Transportation System software for monitoring the stress-strain state of the 1st and 2nd stages of the Bolshoy Obukhovsky Bridge across the Neva River on the ring road around the city of Saint-Petersburg (A-118).

  • 2018

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