Intelligent Transportation Systems, Structural Health Monitoring System of the bridge over the Moscow River at 12 km of the A-107 Highway, Moscow Region

Design of reconstruction of existing elements of the intelligent transportation system and monitoring system of the bridge over the Moscow River at km 12 of the A-107 “Moscow Small Ring Road” Highway, Mozhaiskoye-Volokolamskoye Highway

Intelligent Transportation Systems, Structural Health Monitoring System of the bridge over the Moscow River at 12 km of the A-107 Highway, Moscow Region
  • Project description:

    Development of design documentation for the reconstruction of existing elements of the intelligent transportation system, creating new elements in terms of technological solutions for the facility: “Elimination of bottlenecks in the main directions of transport corridors in the Moscow metropolitan area. Reconstruction of the bridge over the Moscow River at km 12 of the A-107 “Moscow Small Ring Road” Highway, Mozhaiskoye-Volokolamskoye Highway.”

  • Project objectives:

    Development of design documentation. Intelligent transportation systems. Inspection and testing of the bridge structures upon completion of construction. Monitoring of bridge structures during operation.

  • 2019 – 2020

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