
System for monitoring engineering structures/facilities

KSM.Bridge is a Structural Health Monitoring System, a universal hardware and software package designed for monitoring engineering structures of bridges and facilities, the vital function of which is to prevent the monitoring facility from going into an emergency state. The element base of the product is equipped with modern sensors and measuring instruments.

The implementation of Structural Health Monitoring System is important for ensuring the safety of facilities, as well as optimizing their operation. The monitoring system makes it possible to monitor the condition of load-bearing structures and engineering systems in real-time mode forewarning about possible malfunctions and ensuring their timely elimination.

We prevent emergency situations at the facilities being serviced

Result of implementing


  • ensuring the safety of people and material objects;
  • reducing the risk of loss of properties that determine their reliability by the load-bearing elements of engineering structures;
  • elimination and minimization of emergency situations at the facilities being serviced;
  • reducing the cost of operating the facility and increasing its service life.


KSM.Bridge makes it possible to:

  • identify the changes in the bearing capacity of the base of structures and critical parts at an early stage;
  • warn about the likelihood of occurrence of incidents and the need to take mitigation measures;
  • promptly and timely notify facility services about changes in important parameters of the condition of the facility’s load-bearing structures,
  • facilitate the process of diagnosing and repairing facilities.

The monitoring system keeps trace of changes in the condition of structures, disorganization of their performance, and the condition of soil as well as mountain massifs coming from special sensors:

  • inclinometers;
  • accelerometers;
  • strain gauges;
  • pressure sensors;
  • tacheometers;
  • meteorological stations.

This is especially important for large-scale and complex structures such as bridges, tunnels, and hydraulic engineering structures.

You can order KSM.Bridge software for monitoring engineering structures at the Scientific and Technical Centre Integrated Monitoring Systems, LLC with a single click.

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+7 (812) 775-10-82 ( Mon-Fry 9:00 AM - 06:00 PM МСК) office@ntc-ksm.ru

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    +7 (812) 775-10-82 Mon-Fry 9:00 AM - 06:00 PM MSK office@ntc-ksm.ru

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