Ensuring safety during the construction and subsequent operation of buildings is an extremely demanding challenge. There is no place for the human factor in the process of its implementation, since people make mistakes even when performing less complex and complicated work. Therefore, it is better to entrust all related operations to an automatic infrastructure that has already proven its effectiveness.

The creation of monitoring systems at civil construction facilities is one of the core activities of the Scientific and Technical Centre Integrated Monitoring Systems, LLC. The company, founded in 2016, has managed to implement more than 200 projects in 30 regions of Russia. The staff includes over 50 employees who are the members of professional organizations and specialists with huge cumulative experience.

Systems for monitoring civil construction facilities

Construction is a field whose specialists are aware of hundreds of different unfavorable factors. Incorrect interpretation of the results of geological surveys, deviations from design documentation during work, cases of violation of technological rules and standards – all of those things regularly leads to serious accidents already at the stage of construction of facilities.

It is not easy to avoid such a scenario. To do this, it will be necessary to implement a comprehensive monitoring system being capable to:

  • accumulate information from primary inspections and visual diagnostics;
  • detect construction defects;
  • monitor the uniformity of the soil settlement process;
  • process data obtained using instruments such as inclinometers;
  • research all types of geological processes;
  • register the sources of seismic hazard, etc.

All tasks related to ensuring the safety of buildings and structures through automatic control can be delegated to the software and hardware package (SHP); reducing the risk of loss of properties that determine the reliability of structures; tracking negative changes in the state of facilities; monitoring the emergency condition of structures, etc.

Among the subtasks of the SHP are the implementation of continuous data collection from sensors installed at critical points of the soil mass and load-bearing structures of the building (structure), processing of the received data, determination of integral characteristics and indicators of changes in the state of the soil mass, load-bearing structures of the building (structure) and verification of signals from monitoring equipment.

Supervision of structures during construction stage

Monitoring for the state of buildings during operation

Monitoring foe the buildings during construction and structures in operation is a couple of fundamentally different areas. In the latter case, special attention is paid to the process of occurrence of stress-strain states (SSS). World construction practice shows that it is the critical SSS values that most often become the causes of accidents associated with the falling-down of key structures.


It is possible to protect an operating building from destruction during operation using building and structure monitoring systems (BSMS). They include the entire sets of hardware elements:


  • two-coordinate tiltmeters;
  • three-component accelerometers;
  • strain sensors and strain gauges;
  • advanced weather stations, etc.

Control and measuring equipment is combined into a complex through auxiliary and service units – servers, switching facilities, cable networks and computers for information processing.

Monitoring for the state of buildings during operation

Monitoring for the buildings surrounding the target facility

The process of constructing a particular building can affect the condition of the surrounding facilities in the most negative way. A risk factor becomes, for example, the process of foundation settlement, which can lead to cases of destruction of the foundations and load-bearing structures of “adjacent” structures.


Therefore, before starting construction work and during it, specialists must operate with accurate data on the conditions of nearby densely built-up areas. To obtain the necessary information, experts have to fulfill a whole series of instrumental surveys:


  • research exogenous geological processes;
  • verify deformations in all layers of foundation soils;
  • observe the effect of subsidence of various surfaces;
  • register temperature deviations;
  • detect anomalies in electric fields, etc.

The entire data of the presented type must be collected, stored and processed. This is where automated continuous monitoring systems, such as SHMS, come to the rescue again.

Monitoring for the buildings surrounding the target facility

Unique facilities, such as buildings with spans of over 100 m (stadiums and shopping and entertainment centers) deserve special attention. Equally careful handling of unique structures is necessary for the masts that bear enormous wind loads, and towers that are at risk due to increased vertical pressure.

Monitoring for the buildings being in disrepair is another task that can be delegated to SHMS complexes. Special monitoring systems characterized by a high level of sensitivity and capable of detecting any dangerous anomalies are being developed for them. The data collected by appropriate equipment makes it possible to avoid collapses, turnovers and other accidents.

Organizing monitoring for the buildings and structures operating on permafrost soils is a task of even greater complexity. Experts have to monitor thawing, soil movements in boreholes and temperature indicators (using thermistor chains, borehole inclinometers and other measuring equipment).

Special types of monitoring for civil construction facilities

The employees of the Scientific and Technical Centre Integrated Monitoring Systems, LLC are ready to undertake the implementation of any work related to SHMS. The company’s portfolio includes dozens of successfully implemented projects related to the construction of specialized infrastructure at civil construction facilities.

Catalog of services being rendered


Our solutions are based on innovative technologies developed by experienced engineers and automation specialists. All our work is fulfilled in full compliance with the requirements of statutory regulations in the field of industrial safety. Our employees in the construction and installation department have undergone professional training and have the necessary permits to perform work even on hazardous, complex and high-altitude facilities.

Our Scientific and Technical Centre Integrated Monitoring Systems, LLC provides modern solutions for monitoring and controlling processes that guarantee the safe operation of facilities in various industries, including:


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